Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Color Me Red" Oil Painting by Artist, NORA KASTEN

"Color Me Red"
"Color Me Red"  Framed oil painting on linen on board  (30"x30")

"Now in the wonderful collection of BRENDA HALE KELLEY"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reading from "Healing After Loss"

"Cut Roses"

"I want to share with you Martha Whitmore Hickman's meditation for today, November 11, from her book "Healing After Loss".

"Deeper and deeper we burrow into our grief.  Desolations pile on one another.  We wonder if we shall ever see anything on the horizon but this gloom and sadness.

Then one day, in some moment of quiet reflection, we find ourselves Thinking of Something Else!  Is it possible?  

We will move back and forth many times - back into the dark woods and forward again into light.  After a while we will realize it is all one world, that feelings of joy and sadness enrich each other - as a person who has been mortally ill has a new appreciation for the beauty of starlight, the taste of orange juice, the caress of love.

Is it all right?  Is it being disloyal to our lost loved one - to savor our life afresh?  Are we in danger of forgetting?  Not to Worry.  We would as soon forget to breathe."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Roses, Outdoors" Oil Painting by Artist, NORA KASTEN

"Roses, Outdoors"
Oil painting on linen on board  (14"x14")    November 8, 2011

"This painting took far too long to complete so it may look labored but I've decided to declare "victory" and move on to the next.  Laboring over a painting never makes it better.

Life is very good here in Naples, Florida with many days at the beach.  Today, I'm going to a beautiful spot on the East Trail and am hoping to get some good photos."