#869 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen (24"x 36") Completed April 21, 2006 SOLD
#1009 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen (36"x 24") Completed April, 2008
Saturday, October 17, 2015
“You’re on the right track now, rumbling along.
Hear the sound of sing song, sing song.
The rail you are traveling does not have a glitch.
Your train stays on the rail, and won’t go to the ditch.
The cars run behind you, all in a row,
The baggage car last, just let it go.
Supplies are within you, all that you need.
You need never beg, you need never plead.
There is a destination, not to worry about that.
It’s the journey that counts and that is a fact.
Pleasures untold, this journey brings,
Happiness, Love, Laughter and Joy . . . among other things.”
(Below) From Unity's "DAILY WORD"
I learn from mistakes and give thanks for my growth. |
Monday, October 19, 2015
Mistakes are part of the human learning experience. I may say things unskillfully and hurt other people. Others may have made errors that hurt me as well. When I learn to see mistakes as lessons, with compassion and forgiveness, I let go of resentments and move on.
I do not allow the error to increase its impact by holding grudges or allowing negativity to fester. I do not condemn or shame others or myself. Instead, I employ the tool of forgiveness as soon as I notice hurt or regret arise within me. I engage in forgiveness by recognizing my feelings, releasing the need to punish or be right, and letting it go. I seize the transformative opportunity human error offers and give thanks for my growth.
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”—Luke 23:34