Sunday, September 13, 2015

Art & Spirit by Artist, NORA KASTEN

 #235 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen  (16"x 12")  Completed July, 1995

 #401 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen  (20"x 16")  Completed June, 1997  SOLD

 #812 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen  (8"x 10")  Completed February, 2005

#830 of 1184 Paintings / Oil on Linen  (40"x 30")  Completed May 20, 2005

From Unity's "DAILY WORD"
I am strong and unstoppable!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Today I focus on my divine power of strength. Knowing I am strong, I pursue my goals with confidence, determination, and perseverance. Any temporary setbacks only serve to increase my resolve. Just as steel becomes stronger after it is heated to a high temperature, my ability to draw on my inner strength grows as I steadfastly overcome obstacles.
If I encounter what looks like a roadblock, I call upon my divine faculty of strength. I turn within and feel the mighty power of God. I affirm: I am strong and unstoppable! Passion wells up within me as I envision my dreams. With renewed strength and faith, I see my goals through to completion.

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.–Isaiah 40:31

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