Saturday, November 21, 2015

Art & Spirit by Artist, NORA KASTEN

#760 of 1186 Paintings / Pastel On Sanded Paper  (24"x 18") Completed Dec., 2003

From Unity's "DAILY WORD"
Spirit guides me to my highest good.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Every moment of every day brings the opportunity for new choices. The freedom to choose what I think, say, and do can be a liberating joy. On the other hand, the options for how to live my life may seem overwhelming. Should I go back to school? How can I serve humanity? From everyday events to major life changes, I have choices to make.
If I rely solely on my mind to endlessly weigh pros and cons, I may feel lost in a sea of possibilities. Instead, I turn to my internal guidance system.
God’s guidance is always available to me. As I contemplate major life choices, I move from my head to my heart. I pray and patiently wait for the still, small voice within. Spirit guides me to my highest good.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.–John 16:13

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