#932 of 1183 Paintings / Oil on Linen (20"x16") Completed May 25, 2007 SOLD
#940 of 1183 Paintings / Oil on Linen (30"x40") Completed July 13, 2007
#588 of 1183 Paintings / Oil on Linen (40"x 30") Completed March, 2000 SOLD
#1081 of 1183 Paintings / Acrylic on Canvas (12"x 12") Completed November 14, 2009
#747 of 1183 Paintings / Oil on Linen (24"x20") Completed September, 2003 SOLD
Inner Peace
I am one with Christ and I am at peace. |
Monday, August 3, 2015
Spelunkers explore and descend through underground tunnels and vertical shafts to reach the depths of a cave. They find secret places and absolute quiet. They discover the mysteries of the earth.
In a similar way, I descend to my core to connect with my Christ Self. I discover pure tranquility. I receive understanding, love, and peace. I find this center of my being through my spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, and silence. I find the way on my own—it is my journey to peace.
Once found, I return often. Inner peace comes through regular connection with my inner core of love. I find answers and comfort in knowing God is always there.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.–Philippians 4:7