Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nora Kasten Artist Oil Painting "Roses & Black Grapes" / Karl Update

"Roses & Black Grapes"
From the archives  SOLD

"The doctor wanted to see Karl in his office on Monday and we were able to do that successfully.  A lot of fluid is building up in both lungs again and the doctor is prescribing more diuretic meds for a few days and lessening the cumaden (warfarin) he takes hoping to put off another trip to the hospital to tap the fluid again.  He, of course, is very weak but is still doing pretty good with the exercises the physical therapist guides him through.  

Yesterday, while the home health nurse was here to help Karl take a shower, I went to Marco Island (just 5 miles away) for my first day of physical therapy for problems with the right hip that was replaced four years ago.  Thank goodness the hip itself is ok . . .  but muscles and ligaments connecting with it are injured from the lifting, falls and stretching.  I was hoping it would heal on it's own and the orthopedic doctor said it could eventually but it would be best to start on anti-inflammatory meds and do the PT right away.  Everything always works out for the best and this will too.  For one thing, now that I know the exercises to do, I can do them right here at home and in the pool too.

Even with all the "bumps in the road" right now, there is much joy and peace here in the Kastens' home and abounding gratefulness for this time in our lives."


martinealison said...

Encore de gros bisous à vous pour vous aider à traverser ce dur chemin de vie...

Gilberto said...

Nora; Every day I am looking to what is going on and every day I reach the same conclusion, what I can say to make a difference? Nothing. You are so strong that I should be happy to be there whith my best wishes to you both by saying nothing. Thanks for allow me in to your life

Susan Roux said...

Bless your heart Nora. You are an amazing person, so full of strength and grace. I wish you a patch of freshly tarred road for a while...

Thanks for keeping us posted.

drawingtools said...

Roses and Black grapes modifies right color technique. It delivers great image that takes a dramatic impact of the roses. On the other side, I admire your inner strength, Nora. You are a woman of deep honor and I know everything will be in the positive sight for you.draw