Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Spiritual Messages & Roses Painting by Artist, NORA KASTEN

 #608 of 1181 Paintings  Oil on Linen  (40"x 30")  Completed July 24, 2000  SOLD

Today’s Message came to me in rhyme /  August 19, 2014
This is the third message I have received in rhyme.  The first was March 8, 2014

You are already complete, All you can Be
Become aware, remember, and you will see.
The words of Spirit become clear with no doubt,  
You can relay them to others with never, ever a shout. 
Begin anew and maybe sing,  
Music rises your vibration, you can do anything.  
Ponder the words in the still and quiet,  
Receive your answer and then apply it.  
Go forth boldly with your head held high, 
Proclaim the message with never a sigh.

We give to you letters of hope and good cheer,
It’s a gift package for you, my Dear,
Open it quickly, you’ll be delighted.
Now, enjoy your gift without looking back,
And then go forward on your chosen path.

Look, see, the Goodness is sighted as you travel along,
If you follow the signposts, you won’t go wrong.
Just stay in the Flow to receive all you need,
You can share this knowledge, plant the seed.
There is a time to speak and a time to refrain.

To speak, you’ll know when the moment arises.  
What you give to another holds many surprises.
Abundance is yours because you share.
Pass it along, let them know that you care.
 The Spirit speaks to all but not everyone hears.  
Do your part and then, let them see what appears.

As you have been gifted, take the message to others.
Come out of the closet.  Walk in the Light,
Be your Being and display your might.
Words are a beginning but your actions ring true,
As others see God, They will see God in you.
