Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Art & Spirit by Artist, NORA KASTEN

Painting #304 of 1181 Paintings / Oil on Linen (36"x24") Completed in May, 1996  SOLD

Aligned with Divine Mind, I boldly express my truth.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sometimes I’m unsure about what to do in a given situation. Circumstances may call for a particular action that does not feel right to me. Although I could simply do what others want me to do, I want to act from integrity. I choose to be true to myself. At times like these, I pray. I become quiet and listen for the still, small voice of Divine Mind.
Aligned with Spirit, I receive the direction I seek and the wisdom I desire. I find the courage to do what is mine to do without doubt. Assured of God’s guidance, I move forward with confidence and conviction. As I bravely act in integrity, I feel at peace and trust in the perfect outcome for all concerned. Attuned to Divine Mind, I discover the truth that brings freedom.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.­—John 8:32

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