Monday, January 12, 2015

Art & Spirit by Artist, NORA KASTEN

Painting #917 of 1181 Paintings / Oil on Linen (24"x20") Completed Feb. 27, 2007

"The Vertigo is gone, thanks to a great physical therapist. Trevor Gilliam DPT, at Palm Coast Physical Therapy here in Naples, FL.  It all started on December 22, 2014 in Barcelona.  A long and very stressful three weeks!  Today is GOOD."
Daily Word: Daily Inspiration From Unity
Divine Order
As Divine Order unfolds, I am at peace.

Monday, January 12, 2015

We often say “Divine Order” to reassure ourselves that all will work out in the end. Regardless of how circumstances unfold, I have control over my inner world. I create a space for peace inside me. When I become quiet and turn within, I feel the peace of eternal reassurance. I choose a calm state of mind by closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and letting go of busy or fearful thoughts.
In this place of inner peace, I sink further into the Presence of God. I know Divine Order prevails. As I go about my day and interact with others, I access this same peaceful Presence. No matter how circumstances evolve, I live in Divine Order—from the inside out.

Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.–Psalm 119:165

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