Section of #924 of 1182 paintings / Oil on Linen (30"x24") Completed April, 2007 DESTROYED
New Kitchen Continues to be Installed
"The call just came from Salvia Tile. They will deliver and install granite tomorrow afternoon. Such good news!"

"Today was the first day at the beach for me since April or May and this was the scene 30 minutes after I arrived. Hurrying, as best I could, I made it to the car just as the rain began to fall. Though I wasn't at the beach very long, it was delightful to be there again as my Semi-Sabatical continues. I am successful controlling the Peripheral Neuropathy if I get the much needed rest everyday, manage my meds and be careful not to overextend physically. I've learned the price is too high to pay in pain and misery if I don't adhere to these guidelines. Stress cannot be a part of my life now and my motto has become "Let go and let God".
Reading is and has always been a huge part of my life. Some fiction but for the most part I read to learn. Being on this Spiritual Awaking Journey, of course, has led me to read everything I can on The Spirit and Energy. Einstein has shown us that all matter is Energy, including our bodies. I love learning . . . . even during this later phase in life.
Below is a photo of one of the books I am reading now on my IPad and IPhone. "The Grace in Aging" (Awaken As You Grow Older) by Kathleen Dowling Singh. It's not a book that I'm reading straight through as I'm led to read other books as well. "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle is still my all-time favorite."